Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology

Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology

June 29, 2019 Change Destiny 0

Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology

Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology or astrological remedies for quarrels will improve husband wife relationship. We will provide you remedy for removing conflict between husband and wife.

When a partner can’t share their issues with each other’s increase in quarrels, then one must need to find a solution very quickly. For this, you must consult with astrologer.

Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology
Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology

Here are some remedies by astrology for a fighting solution between husband and wife. Friday is the day of the goddess, and it also has a significant effect on married life. Follow Husband Wife Fight Solution By Astrology.

  1. Chant or Spell “Om Namah Shivaya”
  2. Husband and wife should share the same pillow.
  3. The husband should always sleep right side of his wife.
  4. The bedroom color should be light.
  5. A white or red follower natural arrangement made in the bedroom.
  6. The couple should buy perfume of light fragrance on Friday and use it.
  7. On Friday, offer white or pink sweets to the goddess and eat it.
  8. The couple’s bed should bring from paternal home.
  9. Tie Pink ribbon on the side of the bed.
  10. The wife must wear a gold ring.
  11. The husband should wear a silver ring in any hand figure.
  12. Do some cloth shopping on this day.
  13. Keep fast on Friday and Monday.
  • Avoid thing.
  1. Yellow color must not be should in the bedroom.
  2. Heavy dark colors like red, violet, etc. not used.
  3. Your feet must not be in the direction of east or south while sleeping.
  4. God’s image must not be kept in the bedroom.
  5. Do not eat sour food on Friday.
  6. They should not wear a diamond ring.

Improve Husband Wife Relationship Astrology

Improve Husband Wife Relationship Astrology, Astrology is a part of science which can help people to solve their problems on many topics or issues. Issues in marriage relation are common but divorcing each in place of resolving the issue is the main problem. It caused by negativity in the environment. Following are some remedies that are used to improve the relationship between husband and wife through astrology.

  1. Wipe the house floor with salty water. It helps to erase the negative vibes of the house. But make sure sea salt used.
  2. Husband and wife should wear Gauri Shankar Rudraksha in red or white thread.
  3. Married women must wear gold jewelry to bring happiness in life. Especially bangle because when two bracelets touch each other, then they create friction and a small voice ring through the ears that conflict brings positive vibes in the environment.
  4. Place a banana tree outside the main door of the house during housewarming ceremony. But make sure it should not plant a tree inside the house or in the verandah.
  5. Plant a banana tree in your house garden which must be outside the main gate of the house.
  6. Husband and wife must worship Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati.
  7. Donate milk to needy on Monday.
  8. Donate any white food item to the poor like rice, flour, etc.
  9. The wife should offer sindoor, odni, and bangle to goddess Parvati on Tuesday and Friday.
  10. Spell or chant Lord Shiva mantra daily for 108 times.
  11. Marriage couple should do Mangal Gauri Pooja in their house in the Shravan month for happiness and prosperity.

Remedy For Removing The Conflict Between Husband And Wife

Remedy For Removing The Conflict Between Husband And Wife, Astrology has various treatments to eliminate disputes between husband and wife. Even science does not have an answer about it.

  1. One should chant or spell the mantra “TrayashariMahamrityunjaya.” It should be a chant for 21 days from the Shukla Paksha first Monday.
  2. On the Diwali night or at the time of the eclipse, one should spell mantra of Om Mahalakshmi.
  3. Worship Lord Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi. It helps to remove misunderstanding.
  4. Sleeping towards east helps to bring positive energy in the body.
  5. Feed sugar to ants to solve house trouble.
  6. One should chant the Mantra “Hum Hanumante Namah.” It should be a chant 21 times.
  7. The wife should write her husband name on bhojpatra and keep it in the corner of the house. The ink should be red.
  8. Worship and offer vermillion and cloth to Lord Hanuman on every Saturday and Tuesday.
  9. To reduce stress, one should offer a marigold follower while applying vermilion on it.
  10. Donate and feed the small, poor girl, some sweets and biscuits.
  11. Bring three Gomati Chakra and set them afloat.
  12. Chant HalunBaljaad every day.
  13. Keep five Gomati Chakra any keep them in couples house while applying vermilion.
  14. Keep Vermilion under couple pillow and throw it next morning.
  15. One should keep Kapoor under the pillow and burn it in their room on next morning.
  16. The newlywed couple must throw turmeric bale, jaggery, piece of grass toward her husband’s house.

Astrological Remedies For Quarrels

Astrological Remedies For Quarrels, Following are the remedies that help to stop the quarrel and increase the bond between husband and wife.

  1. Plant Tulsi inside the house.
  2. The wife must offer Kumkum and turmeric, including water to Tulsi plant.
  3. The husband must offer wood or silver flute to the Tulsi plant.
  4. Do Manglik dosh pooja inside the house.
  5. Write name on bhurja leaf of husband & wife. Place with inside silver box after sprinkling Ganga Jal on it and close the box. And place it in the Tulsi pot.make sure box should be cover so no one can steal it.
  6. One should do grahan dosh or Shanti pooja in the house.
  7. Wear a diamond ring of 3-5 carats in the ring finger. It helps to increase love between the couple.
  8. To please goddess Lakshmi donate sweet to needy, worship and fasting on Friday.
  9. Do not eat non-veg on Tuesday, Saturday, and Thursday.
  10. Hang Lord Ganesha image at the entrance of the inside gate.
  11. To reduce negative energy chant or spell Vishnu Sahasranamam every day.
  12. One should Chant Gayatri Mantra for 108 times daily.
  13. The horoscope should be much properly before marriage.
  14. Marriage completed on proper mahurat.\
  15. One should do dosh nivaran pooja before doing love marriage.
  16. If their a temple in the house then keep Matangi Yantra in that place.
  17. The red tube must be light in the south-east direction of the house.

Simple Totke To Control Husband

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